Monday, 13 January 2014

Plans for the End2End in 2014

Hi all,

I trust you all had a very good Xmas and I wish you all a prosperous New Year. Right now, I am planning the next stages of the end2end I have been walking. Once more, I have signed up to the 5X50 challenge (, which will be my third time! I find it helps with motivation and keeping my fitness levels up, but this year, I will be tying it in with my trekking. 

As I get further away from home, things start getting a little more expensive and time consuming, especially with travel and hotels/B&Bs. This will probably mean, unless I get a job in the next few months, that the trips will be fewer than last year. 

However, my goal this year is to get to the start of the Pennine Way, Edale. I'm hoping to do this via a route that will take me from Oxford, through Chipping Norton and Stratford Upon Avon, across to Worcester, then up to Ironbridge and Stafford before loping over the Derbyshire Dales to Edale. A circuitous route, yes, but one with a lot of memories and history! And a cathedral or two... 

The planned route

Will obviously keep you all posted!